Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Icing on the Cake

So...a few weeks ago (Memorial Day, maybe?) I had made a sheet cake out of my DCD Cupcake Kit to take to a party. I covered it with ganache, so I didn't use the frosting. Well, since this packet of frosting mix was just lying around doing nothing, I used it to top a yellow cake for my hubby on Father's Day. MAY I JUST Holy wow. Holy flying chocolate wow. This is the BEST chocolate frosting I've ever had. It's really almost like a creamy chocolate bar right on top of your cake. Sure, the cake was OK (I made it from a mix, since my previous attempts at yellow cake from scratch have bombed monumentally), but the frosting totally sent it over the top.

I like it when I discover new chocolate things. . . this week's experiment: chocolate mousse ice cream. I've taken one of our Mousse Mix packets and mixed it with 1 cup of heavy cream, 1 cup of milk, and (carefully and only slightly effectively) mixed in 2 bars of our Chef-Series Dark Chocolate. It's "chillin'" in the fridge waiting to be spun into a frozen frenzy in my little Cuisinart ice cream maker. I'll let you know how it goes, but the mixture tastes awesome (you HAVE to taste it, you know), so it should rock.

Oooooh! Just got fun news from our Home Office yesterday. Anyone who becomes a Chocolatier between now and June 30th gets an extra $100 in Cash on Account (to be used for supplies, etc.) for free! That's a REALLY great deal. That's in addition to our other signing bonus for June - AND it also applies to hostesses who have a party and apply their host credits toward the purchase of a kit. LOVE it when they do stuff like that!

Other neat June/July things: special shipping prices, and a special "Mousse on the Loose" kit: 6 packets of Mousse Mix and 1.5 lbs of chocolate for $26. Awesome deal!

Have the sweetest of days, all. Eat chocolate!